Last Updated on October 5, 2023
A trampoline may be awesome equipment for fun trampoline games for two-person and more in your backyard. Generally speaking, a trampoline game is dependent on trampoline size. As a result, most trampoline games are suitable for more than two people due to the size of the trampoline.
32 Fun Trampoline Games for Kids and Adults
The physical game is an essential part of a child’s development, impacting dexterity, energy, and even healthy exercise patterns early in adulthood. Many parents and guardians are aware that most physical game occurs in the wide outdoors or, at the leastways, in the garden or backyard.
A trampoline is an excellent method for children to engage in physical activity and have fun outdoors sport. We will suggest to you the most favorite and popular fun trampoline games (like the beach game with a small trampoline) for two-person or more. You can have a great time with your family and friends spent on the trampoline.
Table of Contents
Bouncing Air Catch
Bouncing Air Catch is a ball in the air sport, which is ideal for parents who wish to participate in some outdoor recreation with their children. It is one of the most popular games for two or more participants. Make certain that everyone is safe so that bouncing high does not result in a concussion.
This trampoline game is best played with two players and uses a tennis ball of the appropriate size. The participant on the outside begins by flinging the ball as high as they can above the trampoline.
The person on the trampoline’s periphery must then time their bounce and try to grab the ball while in the air. Each ball they successfully grab while in the air earns them a point.
Playing Strategy of Bouncing Air Catch:
- Place one player in the center of the trampoline and the other in the outside
- The participant on the outside begins by tossing the ball as high as they can above the trampoline enclosure
- The person on the trampoline’s interior must then time their bounce and try to grab the ball while in the air
- Thus, every ball they expertly grab while still in the air earns them a point
- The one with the most aerial catches out of ten tosses wins!

Bum Wars
This is one of the most traditional two-person classic trampoline games. This game is quite simple but intuitive. The standing last man is considered the winner.
Playing Strategy of Bum Wars:
- Before the game starts, each participant will hop around to warm up
- When the game begins, each player must land on their back and bounce back up to land on their feet
- Each participant is only permitted one bum drop and one-foot leap
- Whoever doubles up on any of those moves is eliminated, and the remaining player naturally wins
Horse for Fun Trampoline Game
It is a trampoline game that resembles basketball but comes with a cool twist. It’s indeed, of course, an ultimate challenge against the opponent using trampoline skills.
Playing Strategy of Horse:
- To determine who goes first, toss a coin before starting the game
- When all this is implemented, the first individual must shout out their predetermined trick, which must be executed flawlessly
- If the first player succeeds in doing the trick, the following player must replicate it
- If either player fails the trick, a letter is added to their score
- Once a player spells out a horse, he loses the game
Basketball Dunks
If you are fond of basketball and want to play it on your trampoline floor. You and your friends or family are going to enjoy the game ‘Basketball Dunks’. Adopting horse rules, you may add a fun twist to your basket attempts by performing feats and just bouncing.
Playing Strategy of Basketball Dunks:
- A letter is added to a player’s score each time they miss a basket
- The first person to acquire all five letters, like in previous incarnations, loses. This is a great 2 player-fun trampoline game for all
- Check our handpicked basketball hoop attachment for your trampoline
Dance Battle
In this game, you will challenge your buddies to a trampoline dance-off.
Playing Strategy of Dance Battle:
- This game might be modeled after other dance-off games
- You can form a judging panel to decide the finest dancer
Turtle and Hare
This is one of the most intriguing trampoline games. In this straightforward game, the turtle must capture the hare.
Playing Strategy of Turtle and Hare:
- The turtle must go down on all fours and curl itself into the ball
- Then they urgently look for the hare while rolling around the trampoline
- If you haven’t already guessed, the other player is a hare
- They can decide between two prospects
- They can go on all fours and bounce around the trampoline, attempting to avoid the turtle. They may also stand and bounce around, trying their best to avoid the turtle.
- If the turtle catches the hare, the participants trade places and play again, similar to tag
Musical Bounce
Your children will undoubtedly acquire a musical repertoire as they get older! Incorporating some of their favorite tunes into a trampoline game can keep it interesting and entertaining. If kids have friends around, it’s also fantastic for creating a party atmosphere. The goal of ‘Musical Bounce’ is to retain the beat when the music changes, the last one bouncing to the beat gets eliminated for the following round.
Playing Strategy of Musical Bounce:
- Assign distinct trampoline zones to each competitor and tell them to preserve their distance from one another
- Play each song from your pre-made playlist for 20 seconds, with each competitor gently running around the trampoline in tandem
- Assign distinct trampoline zones to each competitor and tell them to preserve their distance from one another
- Call out ‘Jump!’ at the 20-second mark, and each competitor must bounce on the spot to the beat of the song
- Play the music for less and less time as the rounds advance to raise the challenge
- Whoever is the last to start bouncing to the right beat is out. The last bouncer who remains standstill was selected as the winner!
Trampoline Whispers
‘Trampoline Whispers,’ a fresh twist on an old classic, boosts memory and attention and may be played with two players. You can also play the ‘Trampoline Whispers’ with many players.
Playing Strategy of Trampoline Whispers:
- Choose a player to go first and do a trampoline trick
- That player exits the trampoline before the next one arrives. The second player must perform the first player’s trick while also adding their trick to the sequence
- The third player then joins the trampoline and performs the tricks of the first two players while adding their third trick to the cycle
- This process is repeated by the players, who take turns adding to the trick sequence
- A player is eliminated if they perform the incorrect trick or do so at the incorrect moment within the sequence
- The player who remembers the proper tricks and performs them in the correct order is the winner
- Knocked-out players can serve as judges to aid recall the current trick sequence
Birds in The Nest for Fun Games to Play on the Trampoline
All you need to play ‘ Bird in the Nest’ is a bag of trampoline lights and variously colored plastic balls. This game mixes treasure searching, sprinting, and tossing ideal for getting youngsters outside and having a good time. You can have a lot of fun if you have more players.
Playing Strategy of Birds in The Nest:
- Choose one player to be the ‘Bird in the Nest’ and another player known as the ‘Runner’
- Assign a different ball color to each runner
- Take the Runner out of the backyard. The colored balls must be hidden by the bird in flower beds, outside furniture, and so on. The more devious play, the better enjoyment you will get!
- When he or she is finished, ask the Bird to sit in the trampoline cage. Reintroduce the Runner to the backyard
- When you shout ‘Go!,’ the Runner must start their treasure search to find the balls of their color
- When a runner finds one of their colored balls, they must rush to the trampoline and toss it into the ‘nest’ for the Bird to retrieve
Stealthy Ninja
Whatever the sport matching ninjas are surefire popularity for the exception. Stealthy Ninja is also a popular game played on the trampoline between two people.
Playing Strategy of Stealthy Ninja:
- Everybody is bound and gagged, save for the sneaky ninja of the trampoline’s center
- The ninja tries to bump another participant while the blinded players sprint around the trampoline
- The ninja may leap close to other participants, keep making people giggle, or perform whatever to tumble others around excluding hitting, striking, or harming another one
- When any ninja is fortunate in bringing the other participant down, he will be the ninja
Castle Attack
A collaborative sport that is comparable to ‘Poison Ball’ and incorporates the aspects that make dodgeball so enjoyable.
Playing Strategy of Castle Attack:
- Form two teams of players
- The first team is made up of a single player who is designated as the ‘King,’ who must remain within the trampoline cage
- The ‘Attackers,’ who must stay outside of the trampoline limits, make up the second tea
- Invaders throw softballs or water balloons over through the trampoline cage in an attempt to hit the king as he tries to dodge them
- When the King is hit three times, the Attacker who scored the final hit becomes the new king, and the procedure is repeated
- The individual who reigns as king for the longest time wins
Crack The Egg Fun Trampoline Games
This is an iconic great! Three people jump on the trampoline to play ‘Crack The Egg.’ We won’t be bouncing in this game, but it’s still a good idea not to have too many on the Jump Mat at once.
Playing Strategy of Crack The Egg:
- Choose one of your players to be the Egg
- Participants sit amid the trampoline, knees to chest, arms wrapped over their kneesThe other two players stand around the trampoline’s edge and use their legs to propel the Jump Mat up and down
- The aim is to get the Egg player to ‘crack,’ or release their arms from around their legs
- Players take turns being the Egg, and the winner is the one who can remain uncracked for the longest

Marco Polo
Marco Polo is a popular pool game that can also be enjoyed on a trampoline.
Playing Strategy of Marco Polo:
- Marco is one of the players that try to tackle the other player whilst keeping their own eyes clenched
- Whenever Marco shouts “Marco,” another competitor will respond by hollering “Polo”
- When Marco labels the other participant, that individual takes on the role of Marco
Bubble Arena Fun Games to Play on the Trampoline
Allow your toddlers or primary schoolchildren to go wild in the safest indoor trampolines possible. This is more of an activity than a game; it’s all about spending time with your child. Remember that children under the age of six should not aggressively bounce on a trampoline.
Playing Strategy of Bubble Arena:
- Get your youngster onto the trampoline enclosure
- Start blowing bubbles with your youngster in the midst and you off to the side
- Blow bubbles in all directions and have your youngster pop as many as they can before they drift into the trampoline foundation
- Allow them to try their hand at blowing bubbles! The cleanup is straightforward: a quick hose down will eliminate any residue

Mimic Me Games to Play on a Trampoline
This is the ideal trampoline game for two players to challenge their endurance and coordination.
Playing Strategy of Mimic Me:
- Players begin on the trampoline’s edge, facing each other
- The game begins with the first player yelling out the name of a symbol and jumping to it
- That gamer keeps bouncing to a new symbol and calling out its name until they’ve done it five times
- The second player must repeat this sequence by bouncing to and shouting out the identical icons that the previous player achieved in succession
- The game is won if the second player properly mimics all of the icons picked by the first player
Target Practice
Get amazing experiences with the different symbols as players try to target the proper one when they fall after bouncing.
Playing Strategy of Target Practice:
- Starting in the center of the trampoline jumping mat, players take turns jumping
- The first player leaps up and down high while remaining in the center of the trampoline
- Another player screams out a symbol while going up on the third bounce
- The bouncing player must then attempt to land on the called-out symbol
- If they are successful, they remain on the trampoline, and a new icon is called out for them to target while landing after three more bounces on the current icon
- The player with the most consecutive correct icon landings wins

Tag Trampoline Games
When playing on a trampoline, this basic game takes on a whole new level of enjoyment. The criteria are analogous.
Playing Strategy of Tag:
- When anyone is tagged, he or she becomes the next tagger
- Numerous variations of tag, such as frozen tag and zombie tag, are further enjoyable
- When someone is tagged in freeze tag, they have to freeze at once in place and can only be free from that state if they are touched by someone other than the tagger
- The tagger’s objective is to freeze everyone
- In the case of zombie tagging, that touched individual joins the zombie’s squad and assists the zombie while he tried to tag the other players
- The individual who is not tagged last is the champion and the next zombie
Dodgeball as a Two-Person Fun Trampoline Games
Playing dodgeball on a trampoline is a pranking way to spice up this fantastic game and is ideal for youngsters. Higher bounces on the trampoline are more enjoyable!
Dodgeball had also long been a favorite pastime for teenagers at the park, the gymnasium, and the training center. So it’s no surprise that this game is so popular.
Playing Strategy of Dodgeball:
- Mark the centerline with chalk or painter’s tape
- Split the participants into two groups and have them hurl softballs toward the other squad
- You’re out if you’re struck by a ball below the neck
- However, if you catch or avoid the ball, you remain in the game
- The first squad to lose all of its members is eliminated
- On the trampoline, the participant bounce and try to escape the softballs that are cast towards them by the other players on the trampoline
- For safety measures, when any player is hurt upon the body, the thrower is penalized one point
- The play is won by the first individual to score 10 points
Cherry Bomb Trampoline Games
Everyone in this play remains on the trampoline while one youngster clutches a ball.
This play is especially fun in the summer when played with water balloons.
Just be careful since the trampoline becomes slick when wet.
Playing Strategy of Cherry Bomb:
- “Cherry bomb!” or “Bombs away!” exclaims the toddler as he throws the ball far enough in the air
- Everybody tries their best not to be struck with the ball while remaining on the trampoline
- Every time the ball strikes someone, that individual loses one life out of a total of five lives
- Albeit the ball is tossed apart from the trampoline, everyone loses a life
- As just an alternative, every youngster can play the game, increasing both the complexity and the enjoyment
Make the classic hopscotch with sidewalk markers or painter’s adhesive on the trampoline. The game may then be played on an in-ground trampoline or a considerably bouncy ground for your youngster.
Playing Strategy of Hopscotch:
- With chalk or painter’s tape highlight hopscotch squares on the trampoline mat
- Perform regular hopscotch, or dare your children so that they can try a distinctive leap every time they jump to another box
- Thus they can play spontaneously by jumping seems a star expanding their hands and legs widespread
- Then let the fun begin repeatedly every time you are trying!
Freeze Bounce
Freeze bounce is such a trampoline game taking with some variation which is both entertaining and demanding.
Playing Strategy of Freeze Bounce:
- Whereas the rest is jumping on the trampoline, one participant settles on the brink or apart from the trampoline as the umpire blinks his eyes
- When the umpire yells, “Freeze! “, everybody must instantly stop bouncing”
- When the players are in the middle of a leap, they must land without rebounding back in the air and this makes the game harder
- The umpire’s responsibility will be to monitor the participant and determine whether someone froze or not
- Of the participant, one will be disqualified who will not freeze
- The participant, who instantly freezes at the call of the umpire, will be the winner
Don’t Wake The Baby
It is such a fantastic game that gives your children the chance to take a sabbatical leave beyond their frequent bouncing and taught a new trampoline game.
Playing Strategy of Don’t Wake The Baby:
- The participants sit on the trampoline edge or are out of the trampoline
- While pretending as an asleep baby one player lies in the center
- The remaining players crawled up on the baby and attempt to label it
- When the baby is labeled, he or she must keep conjecturing who labeled it while keeping the eyes closed
- If the conjecture is correct, the participant who labeled the baby will be the fresher baby
- Another player can even sit next to the baby while feigning to be the mother
- Whenever the baby is identified, the mother confers an indication by describing the participant who was labeled the baby
Poison Ball
It is amongst the most enjoyable trampoline games ever (try playing online trampoline games too for a change). To make the game less competitive, after someone is poisoned, they can be “resurrected” and rejoin the game if someone else tags them.
For this traditional trampoline ball game, you’ll need as many balls as you can find. Place them on the trampoline and begin jumping. But here’s the catch: the balls are poisonous, and you must strive to avoid them. You’re out if a ball touches you. The one who is the last to stand wins!
Playing Strategy of Poison:
- Players take turns inside the trampoline as the designated player
- Several balls are thrown onto the trampoline, and everyone must jump or run around it without allowing the “poisonous” balls to touch them
- If a ball strikes someone, that individual is out and must sit on the trampoline’s edge
- Keep track of how long each player spends on the trampoline till they’re done
- The contestant with the greatest bounce period is the winner
Keepy-uppy the Fun Trampoline Game
This is a basic game in which you must maintain a softball in the air while jumping on a big adult trampoline for as long as possible.
Playing Strategy of Keepy-uppy:
- Using your feet, head, or elbows, attempt to maintain the ball in the air
- A pool noodle might also be used to keep the ball in flight
- Balloons and beach balls make excellent balls for this game
Sprinkler Jump
Playing under the sprinkler on a sweltering summer day is mandatory, but putting that water below the trampoline simply adds to the enjoyment! Sprinklers designed exclusively for trampolines may be found at your local sporting goods store or online.
Playing Strategy of Sprinkler Jump:
- Installing a sprinkler beneath the trampoline you can transform a waterpark into your trampoline which will offer your children hours of fun
- As an added advantage, the sprinkler can protect the mat from being overheated during the sun, allowing your children to bounce in the sun
- Be careful since the trampoline mats become slippery after getting wet
Bird Dog
This is also an excellent fundamental exercise along with yoga!
Playing Strategy of Bird Dog:
- Bird dog is a yogic posture in which you are on your hands and knees
- Raise one arm while attempting to raise the other leg without falling
- This is significantly more difficult on a trampoline, but it provides some nice laughs when you tumble over
Ring Around The Rosy
On the trampoline, this sing-along activity is especially enjoyable for smaller children.
Playing Strategy of Ring Around The Rosy:
- Children form a circle holding hands
- Then they start spinning and chanting the chanting song thus like “Ring Around The Rosy, a pocket full of posies, we all fall”
- The youngsters all tumble down during the songs term come, “We all fall”
- Children take turns deciding as like everyone fall, such as falling lying on their flanks, landing in a sitting position
Through that game, just you need a jumping rope to have enjoyment right away.
Playing Strategy of Snake:
- Two youngsters, seated on opposite ends of the trampoline, grip a jumping rope between them
- Swing it from one flank to another on the trampoline surface, mimicking a snake
- The rest of the kids are the daring explorers who must leap behind and forward over the serpent except contact it
- Youngsters who grasp the cord would begin waving the rope very gently and in a small circle
- Then, as the game progresses, they should wave it faster and harder
- Conversely, they can use a skipping cord to create flames for daring players to bounce above
Twister Fun Trampoline Game
Twister is considerably more fun and hard than any other trampoline game. You may glue the original Twister mat to the trampoline with painter’s tape, or you can design four rows of various colored circles on the trampoline mat with chalk.
You may utilize the Twister spinner or yell out your directions (“Right hand, red”). The goal is to follow the instructions without toppling over, which is a great task on the leaping trampoline.
Playing Strategy of Twister:
- Scoop up some sidewalk markers, or painter’s tape, or bring out that twister mat
- Stick it to the trampoline, then spin the wheel!
- Twister is difficult on the ground, but it is especially difficult on a trampoline
- When everyone’s laughter is rocking the trampoline pad, it gets much more difficult

Bubble Pop
Allow your child to blow bubbles, or have a parent blow bubbles from outside the trampoline, and the child aims to pop all of the bubbles before they escape!
Playing Strategy of Bubble Pop:
- For some bubble-popping trampoline fun, blow some bubbles or put up a bubble machine
- Endeavor your youngsters to keep the bubbles from flying away from the trampoline or see how several bubbles can burst while bouncing
- The bubbles will make the trampoline mat a little slick, so give it a quick rinse-off when you’ve finished playing

Hot Potato
In the hot potato trampoline game, one guy remains on the brink and cast the ball to the other participants who are jumping on the trampoline.
Playing Strategy of Hot Potato:
- The player needs to grab the ball when jumping and without allowing it to contact the mat of the trampoline
- As the jumpers bounce around the trampoline, bouncing the ball back and forth, the person on the trampolines exterior rotates along and presumably signed as singing a song or chants aloud
- Since the person on the trampoline has finished calculation or chanting, the person who was the penultimate to grasp the hot potato is evicted and placed in the core of the trampoline
Jump The Barrel Trampoline Games
It is not necessary to have a large group of people have fun on the trampoline. One player must be the barrel in this two-person game.
Playing Strategy of Jump The Barrel:
- This game should be started by the youngest or smallest individual as the barrel
- The other player leaps over the “barrel” as it rolls around on the trampoline, hoping to knock the other player over
- Play this entertaining game on your trampoline in turns until you’re both exhausted
Preliminary Cautions for a Fun Trampoline Game
Trampoline games are great ways of fun for people of all ages. But the participants need to be careful while playing. Moreover, there need not allowed more than two participants at the same time.
Again, some games include perilous stunts that children or toddlers would never attempt. When playing with your opponent, never take yourself too intensely. Take precautions before playing any game.
Trampolines might have been an enjoyable way to spend time with friends and family. They are also quite beneficial to your health and give you a fresh mind. Trampoline games may be incredibly engaging and fun for people of all ages with these amazing tricks.
Similar to these fun trampoline games. Especially, your children will get a great way of fun in the backyard. Adults also get a great platform for playing on the trampoline.
A video on fun trampoline games:

Adam is not just a dad; he’s an adventure-seeking, outdoor-loving parent. When he’s not working, you’ll find him outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and bonding with his kids through sports and play.
Adam’s family-focused articles bring a unique perspective to trampoline jumping, emphasizing the importance of quality time and physical activity for children and adults alike.