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Trampoline Back Pain: Why Does My Back Hurt After Jumping On a Trampoline?


Trampoline Back Pain: Why Does My Back Hurt After Jumping On a Trampoline?

Last Updated on October 5, 2023

Though trampolining is one of the best ways of exercise, sometimes there is a complaint against trampolining which is mostly back pain. Back pain or trampoline back pain mostly occurs because of muscle strains. These strains occur when muscles are stretched on too harshly or too abruptly, and are the most prevalent cause of trampoline backache.

It is initiated by bad landing posture and culminates in the backbone ache, muscle strain, spinal disc lesions, and facet joint injuries. To counteract this, the individual jumping must opt to jump with their legs rather than their back.

Trampoline Back Pain (Reasons & Remedies)


Trampoline back pain happens among trampoline users and sometimes culminates in many traumatic incidents. Among those problems, backbone aches, neck aches, muscle strain, spinal disc lesions, and facet joint injuries are spontaneous problems reported by orthopedic doctors and trampoline experts.

Many gymnasts suffer a lot from unconscious leaping on the trampoline. The posture of many sports is also liable for it.

Is Trampoline Jumping Hazardous for Your Back?

Jumping on a trampoline causes your body to tense the back muscles to protect your spine. However, if you have degenerative disc disease or a herniated disc, muscular tightness will only aggravate the situation. As a result, you’ll realize that your back suffers significantly more after a trampoline session whenever it appears to have been done beforehand.

On the other side, there are some circumstances in which a trampoline might provide relief for back discomfort. Trampolining, for example, may aid those who have spondylolisthesis (an ailment in which joints and ligaments fail to hold your spine properly).

Trampoline activities, in essence, can strengthen the core of certain joints and ligaments, resulting in them remaining in better form.

The fundamental lesson is that trampolining can be beneficial in both directions. It might aggravate your ache, but it can also help it go away. So, if you have any form of a back problem, we implore that you contact a doctor first.

Trampolining is not a back-damaging exercise in and of itself. It is a terrific technique to get a low-impact exercise if done correctly!

Back-Pain-TrampolineSeveral eventualities might occur and result in severe back pain after jumping on a trampoline. To begin with, if you have a pre-existing ailment, jumping on a trampoline might aggravate it. Furthermore, if you don’t warm up properly, you risk straining your muscles and injuring yourself.

Finally, and in the worst-case situation, you may fall off a trampoline and gravely damage your spinal cord. Notwithstanding, if you warm up properly and remain attentive to your actions when leaping, you might remain safe on the trampoline.

Fundamentally, we would strongly recommend doing everything possible to protect yourself against wounds and reacting to even the least ache in your back.

Most Common Causes Behind Trampoline Back Pain

The main cause of trampoline back pain is unconsciousness about desensitization while jumping on the trampoline, as well as the jumping posture.

This is due to some major factors, which are given below gradually:

  • The trampoline users do not know how to perfectly land on their feet after jumping from the trampoline
  • They land with too much bouncing on their front or rear legs after jumping
  • They fall on their stomachs or bend excessively forward or backward during the jump

Before jumping on a trampoline, you must learn proper landing techniques to avoid center-back pain. This includes learning how to regulate your bounce rate once you’ve gotten off of it.

The most prevalent problem of trampoline users is back pain. The users of the trampoline are accustomed to jumping on the trampoline without any exercise before using the trampoline. Along with that, ill people should not jump on the trampoline at the time of their illness period, because their body is not always of any kind of accident.

Children under the age of six and older people should not use trampolines because of their fragile bones. When the user leaps in the wrong posture, he might get affected by any kind of injury. Especially, the users should not do any stunts as newbie users, as they are not usually to do the stunt.

Is there a Possibility of Suffering a Spinal or Herniated Disc Injury Because of Trampolining?

Causes-of-Trampoline-Back-PainIt is conceivable to injure your spine while jumping on an adult-sized trampoline. The extent of the lesion is determined mostly by the sort of falling, and it can vary from mild to severe, leading to paraplegia, quadriplegia, or even death. The spine damage can be regarded as transient or permanent.

When a trampoline user falls off a trampoline, and injures their spine, but can still perceive and move to some extent, this is referred to as a partial injury. A severe injury, on the other hand, means that the individual who injured their spine is unable to feel or move in any way below the area damaged by the concussion

There are obvious signs of major spinal cord damage, such as muscular weakness, breathing difficulties, and little to no movement in the arms or legs, among other things. In the instance this type of damage occurs, it is crucial not to move the person who fell and to wait for medical treatment.

While there are numerous reports of minor injuries when jumping on a trampoline, this type of spinal damage is exceedingly unusual, and if you use the trampoline carefully, you shouldn’t be concerned about injuring yourself this seriously.

Trampolining is not only a fun recreational sport, but it is also an excellent method to improve your muscles and work out uniquely.

How to Find Out If Your Upper Back or Neck Has Been Injured?

Whenever you encounter upper back pain after jumping on a trampoline, you have most likely strained your muscles or hurt your ligaments or discs.

This is how to tell whether your upper back has been injured:

  • To begin, you will most likely experience a searing, scorching ache in your upper back
  • Then, you’ll feel severe muscle soreness and stiffness
  • Lastly, you may be experiencing weakness in your arms and legs

Massages, over-the-counter medications, and regular application of cold and heat can all be used to alleviate this type of back pain

How to Diagnose If Your Lower Back Has Been Injured?


Lower-back pain is prevalent in trampoline users. The trampoline exercises your back, legs, and pelvic muscles. The muscles’ purpose here is to protect the spine from impact. Those with weak muscles, on the other hand, are more likely to have lower back pain after jumping on a trampoline.

To preserve the spine, their muscles must work harder. As little more than a result, the muscles stiffen up, causing muscular fatigue and discomfort. In one of the worst situations, impacting in a way your body isn’t used to might result in strained muscle or spinal damage.

As a result, we recommend taking it easy on a trampoline. Especially if you are new to this type of action and your body is not accustomed to it. You should begin by perfecting good form and movement, and then move on to everything thereafter.

How Can You Treat Back Pain from Trampoline Jumping?

When you get back pain after jumping on a trampoline, there are a few things you may do to ease it and let it completely go. First and foremost, we suggest that you inspect your spinal cord as to whether there is any curvature. You should also determine whether your back pain is constrained to one side or affects both sides.

In addition, you must specify the precise location of the discomfort either the lower, middle, or upper back. Taking a long, warm shower is the most popular technique to treat back pain. The water should fall directly on the spot where you are having pain.

Essentially, hot water is fantastic and incredibly efficient for relieving back pain and relaxing muscles. You might also perform some moderate rehabilitative and stretching exercises. Nevertheless, you should exercise caution with this one because inappropriate motions may aggravate your back discomfort.

Afterward, have therapy to relax the tense muscles. When nothing at all of this working, we suggest consulting a physician who can help you with your issue by recommending drugs or other sorts of therapy.

Safety Tips to Jump on Trampoline to Avoid Injuries


Follow these fundamental guidelines to minimize injuries and maximize the advantages and enjoyment of training:

  • When jumping on the trampoline, wear comfy sportswear that does not impede your mobility; shoes are not necessary
  • Remember the proper procedures when jumping separately, no harsh or dangerous things in your pockets, and no objects in your hand
  • You must bounce into the center of the trampoline mat
  • Women should avoid trampoline jumping throughout their menstrual cycle or during pregnancy
  • Children under the age of six and elder aged people must be prohibited to jump
  • Warm-up about ten minutes before beginning your practice
  • Initiate with easy workouts rather than difficult leaps
  • Beginners must take breaks throughout training to recuperate and collect their breath

It is not advised to perform the workouts on your own. You must learn each jump’s technique under the guidance of a skilled coach who will spot faults and assist in preventing damage.

How to Release Center Back Pain Through Trampolining?

Lower back pains and strains are frequent and can happen at any moment. Because of the discomfort caused by throwing your back out, you may be reluctant to stand up or sit properly. Maintaining consciousness when trampolining is always necessary.

Here are seven recommendations to help you avoid back pain and recover from an accident. Keep in mind that if you have chronic back pain, you may need to consult a professional chiropractor or orthopedic doctor.


1. Put it in a bag

The majority of people are aware of this, but it bears reiterating. When there is inflammation in the body, icing works like a charm. To relieve pain and minimize pain after a back injury, we’d recommend applying ice to the affected area many times within the first 24-48 hours.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of water-based fruits and vegetables to keep your spinal discs hydrated. When the disks get dehydrated, back stiffness and discomfort will continue.

How can you tell whether you’re hydrated enough? Keep a close eye on the color of your urine. You’re doing a good job if it’s a clear-pale lemonade hue.

3. Keep Moving

Keep Moving Prolonged sitting or standing, on the other hand, will aggravate the condition by increasing hamstring and hip tightness. Standing desks have become popular in the workplace for this reason. Walking and getting up and moving is always preferable to resting.

4. Massage Therapy

A professional massage therapist can assist in removing trigger points and knots that may be causing low back pain. Self-massage using a tennis ball or foam roller over the low back, hamstrings, and hips daily to release muscular tension and discomfort is an excellent preventative measure for larger problems down the line. Furthermore, it may be performed for a fraction of the expense of traditional massage.

5. Hip Flexibility

The human body is designed to be both secure in the low back and dynamic in the hips. The low back is frequently relied upon, although it is Neither mechanically nor neurologically suited to carry out this role. When this happens, injury generally knocks on your door. It’s one of the reasons why laying, sitting 90-90, and kneeling/wall hip flexor stretches are so crucial, and why Triple Jump Fitness incorporates them into our workouts.

6. Make Use of an Extra Pillow

Placing an additional cushion beneath your knees if you sleep on your back, or between your knees, if you sleep on your side, will assist support your spine and reduce your chances of waking up stiff.

7. Technique

When lifting anything off the floor, whether its weights, furniture, or anything else, make sure your back isn’t rounded, the object being lifted is near to you, and the legs and hips, not your low back, do the job. Always start with your knees and hips flexed and your back upright.

Questions on Trampoline Back Pain

How do you know if back pain is muscular?

Muscular back pain typically comes and goes. It might last from 3 to 6 months. This will cause pain in the neck, lower back, and upper back of the body. Muscular injury and muscular back pain are quite similar. Their symptoms are almost the same too but they are not the same.

The first sign of muscular back pain appears when you feel pain or tightness in the chest. For this reason, you might experience severe pain in the back while sleeping.

What does a trampoline do to your spine?

When you jump on a trampoline, the spine goes up and down with bounce. So, it is subjected to continuous stress and the spine has to align each point of movement. If any sudden impact implies the spine, this sends signals to our brain and causes discomfort. Severe impacts can hurt or damage the spine.

Why does my back hurt when I jump up and down?

The up and down of our body movement creates tension in the muscles of the spine. It might be a source of back pain. If such spinal pain persists for a long, this could be a reason for a severe medical injury like stenosis or spinal fracture.

Final Statement

Trampoline jumping is always been a source of enjoyment and recreation for adults and people of all ages. Some specific motions, on the other hand, do represent a certain amount of risk of trampoline injury. But it didn’t verdict that trampoline jumping is risky for the users, rather it’s so much useful for people of all ages.

According to several manufacturers, their trampolines are the preferred choice on the market. You should be aware, however, that there is no such thing as the world’s safest trampoline. As a result, it all boils down to you being cautious not to injure yourself. The most prevalent sorts of injuries are those involving back pain. Some are trivial, but others might be highly dangerous.

So you’ll need to learn how to keep the conduct of your motions when jumping on a trampoline. You should impose great importance on how your body moves. In such a situation, you will considerably lower your chances of being injured.

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